How to write Nepali Muktak?
Nepali Muktak is a form of Nepali poetry that follows a specific structure and rhyme scheme. Here are some of the important general guidelines for writing any kinds of Nepali Muktaks. If you like to write and publish your Muktaks, Please contact us at or our WhatsApp Number +977 9864287173. You can connect through our official Facebook page. If you send us your creation with us we will be published on our site without any kinds of cost. Our site is totally free of cost and very useful for Nepali literature like Gajal, Muktak, Shayari and so on. We are discussing below about How to write Nepali Muktak? Let’s know more about it.
A Muktak is generally consisting of four lines, with each line containing four syllables. However, there can be different in the number of lines and syllables based on the writer’s choice. We should write the Nepali Muktak based on the structure of A A B A. The explanation of A A B A are shown in given picture.

Rhyme scheme
Generally, Muktaks are writing within four lines with sweet and suitable rhyme. When we write Muktak, we always follows the rule of Muktak writing AABA. Let’s I explain about it…
- A– Starting of any subject
- A– Supporting first lines
- B- Different lines
- A- Ending lines
We should always know about these four lines. We need to make sure that the first lines, second lines and fourth or last lines having one or more rhyme words. It helps to listen better your muktak.

A Muktak typically write on four lines but it has been including more theme. A good quality muktak having a good theme from anywhere. So, we should write a muktak with the specific theme on our life.
We always use simple, easy, short and sweet word and language. If you select a long and vast language, your muktak is not good. So, we always select the best language for writing Muktak.
If you want to writing a good Muktak and becoming a good writer, you need requires more and more practice and patience on the related field. Keep practing with different words, themes, and structures until you find a style that works best for you.
Know more on Youtube🎉
You can learn more information about Muktak from this video. Sahayattri Youtube channel is our only one our official Youtube Channel, please suscribe our channel for more Nepali muktak and gajal.
Here we are providing you more and more Muktak for your help to write Nepali Muktak easily.

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